When Pigs Flee

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Views 52
Saved 470
Size 4.24 M
Extension .SWF
Width 780
Height 480
Stars 4
Help Charly flee from the barn, but be careful! It's not an easy task, as dangerous insects, animals, large obstacles and more will make this...

Help Charly flee from the barn, but be careful! It's not an easy task, as dangerous insects, animals, large obstacles and more will make this escape a dangerous proposition. Run and fly through the farm and the woods as far as you can, use power-ups, collect coins, use stars to get hearts, and have fun in this amazing game. More than obstacles and enemies, more than 8 powers, 2 scenarios, 18 achievements, and much more will make When Pigs Flee an incredibly fun game, for the whole family.

Use mouse or keyboard to play!

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