Sponge Bob Dutchmans Dash

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Views 24253
Saved 613
Size 2.92 M
Extension .SWF
Width 600
Height 300
Stars 4
Dutchman's Dash is a SpongeBob SquarePants online game. It is based on "Shanghaied." The player's objective is to save Gary from the Flying Dutchman....

Dutchman's Dash is a SpongeBob SquarePants online game. It is based on "Shanghaied." The player's objective is to save Gary from the Flying Dutchman. After four levels, SpongeBob and Patrick fight the Dutchman and rescue Gary. However, after they do so, the Flying Dutchman will chase them with his ship and they will have to play the levels in reverse.

Arrow keys to move.
Space key to attack.

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