The Urban Sniper Vengeance

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Views 287
Saved 566
Size 2.42 M
Extension .SWF
Width 660
Height 480
Stars 4
Think you can defeat the enemy? Take your best shot in this action packed sequel to Urban Sniper2! Take your shot in this stunning Sequel to Urban...

Think you can defeat the enemy? Take your best shot in this action packed sequel to Urban Sniper2! Take your shot in this stunning Sequel to Urban Sniper1. This time, you are out for pure vengeance for your father’s death. Eliminate Don Pedrito and his goons, by following your instructions to kill specific targets, given to you by email. Remember, things aren’t what they seem and you have to use your head as the ultimate Sniper! Tip: Keep an eye out for specific events to help you complete the level and remember to use the environment to your advantage (stuff can be destroyed or blown up!) You have limited Ammo and you are judged on your accuracy!

Left mouse to play.
Space key to scope.

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