Sift Heads World: Deadly Newcomer Hacked

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Views 556
Saved 565
Size 5.32 M
Extension .SWF
Width 640
Height 480
Stars 3
Hacked: To open the Cheats Panel while playing press: 6, 5, 7: Full energy - revive, +$5000 cash - money, Acquire the shotgun - burst, Acquire the...

Hacked: To open the Cheats Panel while playing press: 6, 5, 7: Full energy - revive, +$5000 cash - money, Acquire the shotgun - burst, Acquire the Barrett sniper rifle - snipe, Hidden costume - halloween, Change character - perso, Unlock bonus - treasure

The new Sift Heads game lets you play as Vinnie, Kiro or Shorty, use over 14 weapons of choice, explore 2 huge cities, complete 10 main missions, 10 side missions, customize your character and much more!

Left mouse to aim/shoot.
Space key to get weapon.
R key to reload.
Q key to switch quality.

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