Super Meat Boy

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Views 1306
Saved 611
Size 5.29 M
Extension .SWF
Width 300
Height 500
Stars 4
Meat Boy is the precursor game to the famous Super Meat Boy. It was a downloadable Flash game seen on platforms like Steam. However, Meat Boy for...

Meat Boy is the precursor game to the famous Super Meat Boy. It was a downloadable Flash game seen on platforms like Steam. However, Meat Boy for those article writers that say Flash games mostly copied games from consoles for browsers are sorely mistaken! Meat Boy captured the addictive and challenging arcade controls possible with keyboards. It still is amazing despite having portrait dimensions. You will recognize the story though, save band-aid girl from Dr. fetus. Even though this game is from the year 2011, it has a map editor. Meat Boy was created by Johnathan Mcentee and Edmund Mcmillen one year after the Flash boom of 2010 and remains a seminal piece of gaming history.

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