Strike Force Kitty 2

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Views 71432
Saved 1011
Size 10.81 M
Extension .SWF
Width 765
Height 540
Stars 4
Strikeforce Kitty is back! Evil foxes have attacked again. We've sent our gallant kittens on an epic adventure to conquer the foxes' fortress! The...

Strikeforce Kitty is back! Evil foxes have attacked again. We've sent our gallant kittens on an epic adventure to conquer the foxes' fortress! The purr-fect runner. Funny, addictive, and full of surprises! Unlock upgrades and collect items and clothes for your kittens. Create their own unique outfits or wear popular costumes like the Batman or Darth Vader suits!

Up key or left mouse to jump.
Left mouse to drag/drop the dress up cat.
Click/hold left mouse to train.

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