Sift Heads World Act 3

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Views 1592
Saved 737
Size 5.91 M
Extension .SWF
Width 800
Height 440
Stars 5
Throughout Act 3 we will revisit Chicago and its dark and sombre areas of the underground crime organization. After a hard-hitting blow from Alonzo...

Throughout Act 3 we will revisit Chicago and its dark and sombre areas of the underground crime organization. After a hard-hitting blow from Alonzo our team is back on the hunt. But it won’t be so easy this time, cause Alonzo has some very influencing friends in high places. Vinnie and his partners will need the help of the Mayor in Chicago... Play the game to find out the final outcome of this third episode.

Left mouse to aim/shoot.
SPACE key to get/weapon.
R key to reload.

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