UFO Mania

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Views 374
Saved 505
Size 340.85 K
Extension .SWF
Width 600
Height 400
Stars 4
Your mission is to rescue all humans from planets in danger and move them to more secure places. As a member of the G.S.A, you have been selected to...

Your mission is to rescue all humans from planets in danger and move them to more secure places. As a member of the G.S.A, you have been selected to carry reductions in some cities of planet D-26 also known as planet earth. Grab as many humans as you can, but don't forget to pay attention to your weight bar. Handling will be harder with higher weight. After reducting some humans, travel to their destination planet and drop them there. Avoid any casualties or you will be penalized. Humans will try to take your ship down, so move fast and avoid their attacks.

use mouse to move.
Left mouse to grab.

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