The Resistance Hacked

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Views 90
Saved 566
Size 7.33 M
Extension .SWF
Width 800
Height 440
Stars 4
Hacked: Type in the cheats menu (Shop -> Cheats): Infinite ammo - th16, Precise shots - 41mw, Money 10000$ - b4ri, Infinite grenade - th22,...

Hacked: Type in the cheats menu (Shop -> Cheats): Infinite ammo - th16, Precise shots - 41mw, Money 10000$ - b4ri, Infinite grenade - th22, Invincible - lg14, Fully upgraded - uttm

This is a shooting game where the player incarnates a young revolutionary who's trying to raise chaos in a lost city. Take control of the street and protect your barricade. Stop the waves of authorities from breaking through, upgrade your barricade and your home made gun.

A and D to move from one side of the barricade to another, ((In sniper mode) W to zoom in, S to zoom out), E to throw a grenade, S to cover, R to reload, left click to shoot.

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