The Amazing Spiderman

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Views 542
Saved 576
Size 962.64 K
Extension .SWF
Width 640
Height 480
Stars 4
Hi Spiderman! In order to achieve your goal, you must make it to the end of each level where you will collect a Transformers T-shirt to advance to...

Hi Spiderman! In order to achieve your goal, you must make it to the end of each level where you will collect a Transformers T-shirt to advance to the next level. As you web your way through the city from building to building, you must collect as many Underoos T-shirts and Boxers as you can without falling into the traffic below. If you would like to look around to scout out where all the Underoos apparel is located, you simply click on City Map to use your binoculars to view what lies ahead. Good luck Spiderman! Web your way wisely.

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