Space Bounty

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Views 172
Saved 612
Size 4.73 M
Extension .SWF
Width 700
Height 585
Stars 4
Space Bounty is a platform game in which you have to shoot your way through every level. You can collect weapon power-ups, extra lives, money and...

Space Bounty is a platform game in which you have to shoot your way through every level. You can collect weapon power-ups, extra lives, money and ammunition. The money you collect can be used in purchasing upgrades, implants and shields. You can find special items and keys for hidden passageways throughout the game. Stay alive by jumping on different platforms and kill all your enemies to make it to the end.

Left key Right key or A key D key to move.
Up key or W key to jump.
Down key or S key to kneel.
1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key  or E key to select weapons.
Q key or 6 key to use medikit.
Double A key to jump down.
Left mouse to aim/shoot.
P key to pause.

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