Six Bullets

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Views 168
Saved 424
Size 3.77 M
Extension .SWF
Width 720
Height 480
Stars 4
Six Bullets is a cool cowboy shooting game. You control a quick firing cowboy and you must use your revolver to eliminate enemies and bandits....

Six Bullets is a cool cowboy shooting game. You control a quick firing cowboy and you must use your revolver to eliminate enemies and bandits. Your revolver has exactly six bullets in its chamber and each bullet is returned to you when you successfully kill an enemy. Basically you must have a perfect aim otherwise your ammunition will slowly dwindle! You must evade the enemy gunfire and keep moving to avoid being shot. Aim carefully and wait for your enemies to stand still – trying to hit them whilst moving is much harder. The enemies will keep appearing and your game will continue until you run out of bullets or you are killed. How long can you survive for and how many bandits can you vanquish?

Use mouse or keyboard to play!

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