Sift Heads 5

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Views 576
Saved 611
Size 3.77 M
Extension .SWF
Width 800
Height 440
Stars 4
Sift Heads 5 is the biggest yet! 20 intense missions, up close shooter action, character interaction, sniping modes, 9 weapons to choose from, custom...

Sift Heads 5 is the biggest yet! 20 intense missions, up close shooter action, character interaction, sniping modes, 9 weapons to choose from, custom clothes, bonus cheats and more. Vinnie is back in town and doing what he does best... sifting heads. But a deadly assassin is about to cross his path with a mission to kill him fueled by revenge!

Left mouse to shoot.
Use mouse to aim.
SPACE key to equip your weapon.

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