Save the Sheriff

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Views 292
Saved 596
Size 2.85 M
Extension .SWF
Width 640
Height 450
Stars 4
Save The Sheriff is a defence game of cowboys and Indians. The objective is to survive for 11 days until you recieve reinforcements. You must employ...

Save The Sheriff is a defence game of cowboys and Indians. The objective is to survive for 11 days until you recieve reinforcements. You must employ additional gunners and workers to help you hold off the Indian assault. Shoot by clicking the mouse as soon as you see the Indians so they can't get through the barricade and rescue their friends. Your gold will increase when you shoot each Indian allowing you to hire more people.

A key D key to move.
S key to crouch.
Left mouse to Aim/shoot.
1 key 2 key to change weapons.
R key to reload.

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