Nobita's Love Confession

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Views 645
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Extension .SWF
Width 800
Height 600
Stars 3
Let's continue today's fun with a whole new amazing game within the most amazing category with Doraemon, as we have uploaded a new dress up game with...

Let's continue today's fun with a whole new amazing game within the most amazing category with Doraemon, as we have uploaded a new dress up game with your friends from these cartoons. Today, your Anime character friends Chichuca and Nobi Nobita have returned with you on our site games-kids.com, within an interesting dress up game called Nobitas Love Confession. If you are fans of these cartoons, then you should definitely know about their love between Chichuca and Nobi Nobita, right? Well, then, you will be thrilled to hear that you will get to dress them up with such amazing and beautiful outfits. You can choose to dress them up in matching outfits, since they are so much in love. Enjoy!

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