FMX Team Hacked

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Views 106
Saved 514
Size 4.7 M
Extension .SWF
Width 650
Height 500
Stars 5
Hacked: All qualification tasks set to 100. Timer cheat. Try to make it through 15 levels of freestyle motocross! You have a team of 3 unique bikers...

Hacked: All qualification tasks set to 100. Timer cheat.

Try to make it through 15 levels of freestyle motocross! You have a team of 3 unique bikers. Each biker will gain experience for every stunt he performs. When a biker has enough experience he will learn a new stunt. Try to unlock all the stunts and score maximum points!

UP key to throttle up.
Left key and Right key to lean left/lean right.
1 key 2 key 3 key 4 key 5 key to perform a stunt.
SPACE key to Pause.

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