Duels Defense Hacked

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Views 86
Saved 550
Size 667.15 K
Extension .SWF
Width 735
Height 512
Stars 4
Hacked: Lives, round time, slow time, stun time, poison time, gold, damage, range and strength, stun probability, price of towers have been hacked...

Hacked: Lives, round time, slow time, stun time, poison time, gold, damage, range and strength, stun probability, price of towers have been hacked.

Kadasak or “Duels Defense” is a modern variant of an ancient West Benecian military training exercise. Originally called Girutet (“Running the Fire”) by the Benecians, it was “played” on various terrain types (rocky, forested, flat, trenched, etc) that approximated battlefield conditions.

Left mouse to select.

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