City Smasher Hacked

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Views 85
Saved 530
Size 1.22 M
Extension .SWF
Width 600
Height 400
Stars 4
Hacked: Unlimited time. You are a giant Monster pissed off smashing the city! Smash all the buildings , planes, people and cars specified for each...

Hacked: Unlimited time.

You are a giant Monster pissed off smashing the city! Smash all the buildings , planes, people and cars specified for each objective. Light things on fire or kick them till there is nothing left. You can also just play sandbox mode where there is not time limit. Take some anger out and play City Smasher!

Arrow keys to walk.
Space key to jump. 
Press A key to kick.
S key to smash. 
Up key + A key to throw some people and cars in the air. 
Down key + S key to fire smash.

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