Baby Barbie Little Pony Face Painting

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Views 255
Saved 420
Size 1.47 M
Extension .SWF
Width 800
Height 600
Stars 4
With the start of the New Year many of us had some resolutions and in this Eliza face tattoo game you will see that hers was on the wild side of...

With the start of the New Year many of us had some resolutions and in this Eliza face tattoo game you will see that hers was on the wild side of things. Do not worry though as the tat will not be a permanent one, she just wants to have some awesome times with her friends and look really cool. Try to get some nice colors on her face and the patterns as well because you will have a fairly free hand in designing your own tattoos for her. Make her stand out and who knows, maybe you will get to do more characters and show them some awesome face tattoo skills.

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